Thursday, December 13, 2007

Effects of Global Warming

Global warming will affect many things like people and earth. The main affect of global warming is increasing in the global temperature. Also, there are many others effects of global warming such as environment acidification, rising sea levels and increase of diseases.
The effect of global warming will be terrible and if you look around you will see some of the signs for example the glaciers in the north of the earth are melting, also it increases the risk of flooding from high sea levels. If no action is taken now, then it will be too late as the greenhouse effect will slowly increase the average global temperature. This rise in temperature will affect the polar ice caps more than the tropical belt.


Mohammed AL-Shaheen said...

How global Warming affected UAE?

KhaLeD Bin DaiBaN said...

thanks Mohamed for this good question.

In my opinion i think its effect by increas in the weather temperature.